What is Regenerative Therapy?
Are you tired of hearing...
“You’ve got bone on bone, there’s nothing that can be done.”
“Surgery is your only option from here.”
“We just don’t know what else to do for you.”
“There’s a new medication that might help.”
“Knee replacements work really well, why not just get it done?
“We can inject steroids for inflammation”
Regenerative Medicine has the amazing ability to reduce inflammation, induce our body’s own stem cells to repair damaged tissue. Regenerative therapy can be used to treat...
Muscle, ligament and tendon injuries
Arthritis of the knee, hip and shoulders
Back pain, degenerative disc disease
Rotator cuff issues, golfers and tennis elbow
Medical conditions such as COPD, asthma, tremors and MS
Placenta derived tissue can reduce inflammation, instigate our body to repair damaged tissues and sometimes replace damaged or lost tissues. This tissue comes from the placentas of healthy newborn babies who, along with their parents, have been tested and cleared for infectious diseases and genetic abnormalities. These secretosomes are specially designed to contain high amounts of naturally occurring Types I and III Collagen, Biotin, Chondroitin Sulfate, Growth Factors and High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid. Cytokines are signals that tell the bodies own healing mechanisms to start working. Growth factors include collagen, a key building block for joints and connective tissues, amino acids to help build proteins, and other growth factors that stimulate tissue development.
Advantages of Nanoparticle (formally known as Exosomes) Therapies:
These Nanoparticles are regarded as the purest form of cellular signaling available because their function is to direct tissue and wound healing by activating cell responses. This is the newest generation of naturally bioactive products for regenerative therapies. Exosomes induce changes in nearby cells that create the appropriate healing environment and aid in tissue repair. As the technology and discovery of new methods of treating patients has evolved, scientific evidence shows that the optimal way to provide true regenerative therapy is to directly provide the signals as its own therapy and avoid potential issues with delivering and keeping transplanted cells alive. The 1,000+ regulatory proteins, RNAs and other biomolecules found to naturally occur in ExoFlo have been shown preclinically to help modulate inflammatory healing processes. This is accomplished by activating and recruiting local cells to revascularize the area and reduce the inflammatory response to allow natural healing.
Advantages of Tissue Therapies:
Supplement and replace damaged or inadequate connective tissue and cells utilizing regenerative molecules.
Modulates and reduces the inflammation of the injured area with anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Incorporates with the damaged tissue at the site of injury without rejection due to immunosuppressive properties.
Provides a complete range of natural cellular scaffolding and growth factors to promote the regenerative process.
Does not require invasive procedures like bone marrow aspiration, or adipose tissue extraction, resulting in shorter procedure time and faster recovery with less pain.
Advantages of umbilical cord tissue and amniotic fluid treatment:
Supplement and replace damaged or inadequate connective tissue and cells utilizing regenerative molecules.
Modulates and reduces the inflammation of the injured area with anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Incorporates with the damaged tissue at the site of injury without rejection due to immunosuppressive properties.
Provides a complete range of natural cellular scaffolding and growth factors to promote the regenerative process.
Does not require invasive procedures like bone marrow aspiration, or adipose tissue extraction, resulting in shorter procedure time and faster recovery with less pain.